Wild Wander Wellness
I came to Young Living in 2016 and fell instantly in love. I had discovered lasting solutions to health struggles that overwhelmed me, and in that I was inspired to begin researching. Young Living was the trigger that set me on a path of empowerment, learning my body's unique needs and the best way to care for myself.
I stepped away for a few years to research essential oils because I knew that if they were going to be such a prominent part of my life, I had to be getting the best. I tried other brands, asked questions, scoured the interwebs...and with full confidence, returned to Young Living in 2019 ready to share what I'd learned with others!
Ever since, I've been learning as much as I can (that journey never stops) while also finding ways to share that with others who might benefit from a non-toxic lifestyle, as I have. I've been building a community of others dedicated to giving their families the very best. I'd love to have you join us!